
Tutorial 2

i) TCP/IP  stands for Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol . It defines how electronic devices (like computers) should be connected over the Internet, and how data should be transmitted between them. TCP - Transmission Control Protocol TCP Is responsible for breaking data down into small packets before they can be sent over a network, and for assembling the packets again when they arrive. IP - Internet Protocol IP Takes care of the communication between computers.  It is responsible for addressing, sending and receiving the data packets over the Internet. Web browsers and servers use TCP/IP protocols to connect to the Internet.  Common TCP/IP protocols are: a) HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol HTTP takes care of the communication between a web server and a web browser. HTTP is used for sending requests from a web client (a browser) to a web server, returning web content (web pages) from the server back to the client. b) HTTPS - Sec...

Static vs Dynamic Web Sites

There are two different type of websites on the internet, they are static and dynamic.  Static Website A static website consists of a series of HTML files, each one representing a physical page of a website. So on static sites, each page is a separate HTML file. When you visit the homepage, you are viewing the actual homepage file. Even if two pages contain a chunk of identical content (like a footer), they both contain two versions. So, if you want to update the footer, you must do so twice, once on each page. For example, TGV Cinema website is a static website because everyone who log into the website will have access to the same information with others.  Advantages of static websites:  Quick to host and develop  Flexibility  -  every page can be different if desired, to match the layout to different content, and the designer is free to put in any special effects that a client may ask for in a unique way on different...

13 Types of Websites

There are 13 types of websites. 1) Portal A portal is a web site that offers a variety of Internet services from a single, convenient differentiated. Most of the portals to offer these free services: search engine; news; sports and weather; Web publishing; reference tools such as yellow pages, stock quotes, and maps; shopping; and email and other communications services. Yahoo! 2) News A news website contains interesting material including stories and articles relating to news, money, sports, life and time. Many magazine/newspaper sponsor websites that offer summaries of printed articles, as well as the items not included in printed versions. The Star Online 3) Informational Informational websites are those sites which are created in order to provide a customized and branded resource for potential and active customers, members, investors and so forth. These websites are usually content and design driven. 4) Business A business/marketin...

Tutorial 1

(i)  Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Http) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (Https) Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is a set of standards that allow users of the World Wide Web to exchange information found on web pages.  Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol establishes the connection to the web server.  It too enables the web server software and client software communicate.  HTTP is used in browsers because of the need to access other protocols such as File Transfer Protocol through the browser. Hence, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure ( HTTPS), is a secure method of accessing or sending information across a web page.  All data sent over HTTPS is encrypted before it was sent, this prevents anyone from understanding that information if intercepted.  Because data is encrypted over HTTPS, it is slower than HTTP, which is why HTTPS is only used when requiring login information or with pages that contain sensitive information su...

Network Topology

A network topology refers to the layout of the computers and devices in a communications network. The popular topologies are bus, ring and star. 1) Bus Network All computers and devices connect to central cable or bus.